Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Organic Church Quotes #1...

Every now and then you read a new book that opens your eyes and pricks your senses in ways that you were not prepared for. I've begun reading such a book. Neil Cole's "Organic Church" is forcing me to examine many new facets in church ministry. What I would like to do for the next few days, is, to put quotes from the book on my blog every day or so...then ask you to comment on the quote. And I would like as many that would, to make comments. What I will ask from you is that you make your comments immediately...I want your 'gut reaction' to these quotes. Don't take time to process them, respond as soon as you read it. Some of you will agree with the quotes, some will not. I just ask that you digest the information with an open mind and an open heart. I'm looking forward to YOUR thoughts. Have fun...be honest and truthful...and don't just read the post...COMMENT ON IT!

Thanks to Dave Johnston at UAM's BCM for letting me borrow the book!

...from Neil Cole's "Organic Church"

"Church attendance, however, is not the barometer of how Christianity is doing. Ultimately, transformation is the product of the Gospel. It is not enough to fill our churches; we must transform our world. Society and culture should change if the church has been truly effective. Is the church reaching out and seeing lives changed by the Good News of the Kingdom of God? Surely the number of Christians will increase once this happens, but filling seats one day a week is not what the Kingdom is all about. We do Jesus an injustice by reducing His life and ministry to such a sad story as church attendance and membership rolls.
The measure of the Church's influence is found in society--on the streets, not in the pews."


dean said...

do i get a prize for being first??
anyway, i wonder when our pastors and church members are going to get a clue about this. we've gotten stuck in a rut of "invite them to church and their lives will be changed." i think by and large, US going TO the people and making a difference in their lives IN THEIR WORLD first will cause them to, at some point, want to come check out whats going on inside the building. of course, when they do show up, whats going on inside the building better be God-honoring and consistent with the Christian love we've just shown them out in their world... otherwise, just install a revolving door on the front of the church building, because it wont be long before they're outta there.

jimmie glover said...

I defenitly agree. as i have been reading in sevral diffrent text. the purpose we have is to worship god. to see him glorified. so in that light then. numbers should not matter what should matter is the effectivness of who we are as belivers to worship him. in that worship we chose to serve others, missioins. in that mission we love all people. no matter what they look like or there background. so numbers should not matter

TJ said...

I thought I'd have something long an profound, but the reading speaks for itself. It's not about growing our church (individual congregations)... It's about growing THE church (the body of Christ).

Angelina said...

For me the book that changed my life was called, Out of the Saltshaker and into the World. I forget who it's by, but it is worth readying.