Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Final Wrap-Up...

There is not a day that goes by that I don't wish for more hours in the day. 24 is somehow, not enough. I have taken, and taught, many time-management classes/seminars, and yet I still can't find enough time to do some of the things that I enjoy. Reading, is one of them, blogs, in particular. And with blogging becoming so popular, there are so many new blogs arriving each day, I'm running into that 'needing more hours in the day' thing, just to attempt to keep up. And I've come to realize, it's just not happening!

With that said, this will be my last 'Weekly Wrap-Up'. I will continue to post on my personal blog, but the wrap-ups have to come to a close. It's been a blast to give you my take on the local blog world. There is so much to learn about others through their blogs, and I strongly encourage you to continue reading in the local blog-world. And you have my personal invitation to continue to drop by here, for personal encouragement...stories...and just plain good coffee for the soul.

So here it is, the final wrap-up on the week that was, in no particular order...

Dean's post on a very tough topic, a third-party marriage, is a great read...Good job Dean, way to take a stand.

An absolute must read is over at K.T.'s. A silent world exists with few knowing the realities...a great personal expository on Down's Syndrome.

One of my favorite authors is Leonard Sweet, and Jeff gives us a very good review on Sweet's latest book.

Have an incredible week, and drop by often because the coffee is always fresh, and so is the conversation!

1 comment:

Mark W. said...

Rats!...I wrote one of the most thorough and well-documented posts in the history of my blog this past week, and it was on a topic that, in some way or another, affects everyone. It's kind of a shame that it didn't make the "final" wrap-up. Perhaps it got passed over in the limited time you have to read all of this stuff. Anyway, just a quick FYI: it is here.

It would be great to hear your thoughts on it...and thanks SO much for all you've contributed to this blog community. The weekly wrap ups were always a pleasure to look forward to each week.