"When I consider the cost of so many lives that were spent in the struggle to give free access to God's Word, I am ashamed at how we have neglected it. As long as we read books about the Bible and not the Bible itself, the enemy has succeeded in keeping the Kingdom sterile, unhealthy, and weak. He has snatched the seed away before it can ever penetrate our hearts and grow to life and fruitfulness."I pray these quotes are challenging you...encouraging you...and motivating you. We're having a lot of 'lookers'...'readers'...'lurkers'. And I want to encourage you to share your thoughts concerning these quotes in the comment section. I look forward to read what God is doing in your lives through these quotes. Thanks for stopping by.
first thought - "ouch!"
In our contemporary culture of fast-paced, attention-deficit, multi-tasking life, unfortunately a lot of people feel the need to cut corners. One of the ways I see people shortchanging themselves on a daily basis is in turning to a cheap summary of information instead of bothering to delve into the murky details of true experience...so often we settle for life's Cliff Notes instead of taking in and enjoying the artistry of the epic adventure that life offers.
This quote supports a criticism I've often made about the so-called "Christian Living" books that flood the market. Reading them is like opting for Cliff Notes instead of diving into the actual "classic" book: the scriptures themselves. We can't expect to really know and understand any book unless we have the vital experience that comes with sitting down and actually engaging it. This reminds me of that milk/meat metaphor...where was that again? :)
I'm in Ephesians...
I and II Timothy
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