Friday, January 19, 2007

The Friday Wrap-Up On Saturday...

As you can tell, I'm running behind, sorry I didn't get this posted until Saturday! What a wild and wacky week. From the weather to the blog posts, such strange events. Hope you have a great it is, the week that was, in no particular order...

Brandy lost her mind.

Jeff started something when he was using four-letter words.

Then Dean used the "D" word. Hands down, blog of the week...(look for a continuation this coming week)

And not to be left out, T.J. used the "F" word.

But really the craziest things started popping up on MonticelloLive. It's very evident that our new mayor-elect has no clue what Robert's Rules Of Order are. Don't believe me, just listen to the podcast of the City Council meeting...but be ready for approximately the first 20 minutes of this wonderful meeting to be pure chaos...unbelievable! Then, our new mayor-elect wants to abolish the Parks & Recreation Commission (Hmmmmm....seems like he doesn't like where baseball is played! Thanks Steve Hartness for a job well done!) And then asks for his ability to approve up to $20,000 in city expenditures without engaging in a competitive bidding process to be approved by the Council. The previous limit was $10,000. Did you get that? Freedom to spend, now, up to $20,000 in city expenditures WITHOUT getting ANY competitive bidding! The council also approved that initiative, by a vote of 6-1, with Tim Chase voting against. I'll be curious, and I know you will also, to see exactly WHO gets those contracts...hummmmm. (Do I smell a "good 'ol boy" system?) Thanks Tim...

That's it...see ya next Friday...

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