Tuesday, January 30, 2007


It's all about a stone...

One of the greatest misconceptions in American enterprise is that "If you own your own company or business, you must be wealthy." Granted, for some, that may be true...but by and large this is a huge misnomer. Sounds good in theory...looks good on paper...but not in reality. If the truth be told, entrepreneurs who own their own businesses have struggles, daily, of epic proportions, that are rarely seen.

I know. I am one. And I am not alone.

And it's not so much about the financial aspect of the business...it's everything that comprises the total package. There are so many days that Murphy's Law is in full control. I've come to the conclusion that when you least expect it, something...usually the weirdest things...will go wrong. Small or large, problems...challenges exist...standing proud...taunting... They're just there...it's going to happen!

Just as it is in business, so it is in our everyday lives. As each day dawns anew, the problems lurk in the shadows...waiting...watching...gloating... Ever been to the point where problems seem too overwhelming? As though each step you take in any given direction guides you through a labyrinth where Pandora's Box is your great reward and it's already open and waiting on you as you cross the finish line?

Been there...am there...stay there...

And after a while, the load gets heavy...and heavier...and heavier. Almost unbearable. It seems as though the farther I sink, the larger the problems appear. But each time, I'm reminded of a young boy, who was faced with a monumental situation. His reaction altered a nation and opened the eyes of a king. That's the kind of approach I'm looking for. The young boy threw caution to the wind, and with reckless abandon ran to stand face to face with the biggest obstacle he could ever imagine. But along the way, he made a brief stop...a decision that would bewilder the strongest critic...a stop by a creek bed to pick up five simple stones. Stones that had been placed there at the dawn of creation for that specific place in time...waiting...

Were the stones magical, no. Was the number five a lucky number, for some maybe, but not for him. It was the purpose behind the stones that made the difference. A purpose, an attitude that I seek to garnish. An attitude that when applied, conquers the largest problems man will ever know.

"Father, I seek to stand in Your strength...in Your vision. And when I often stop to gather stones, help me focus on The Rock...amen."

So tomorrow morning, I'll set the alarm clock a little earlier...drink an extra pot of coffee...time to make my way back toward the creek bed...


Sugar-n-Spice said...

...beautifully written, and just what i needed to hear...thanks.

TJ said...

awesome! One little nugget I'd like to leave to add to this. When do you think that God empowered David to slay Goliath? I believe it was at the moment he stepped onto the battlefield. I believe that God empowers us to do our task when we step out to do it. Too many people are waiting for God to empower them, give them the words to say, etc before they go. All they need to do is prepare (of course) and go. Then God will equips and empowers them spiritually.

Robert Fellows, Jr. said...

Well done. And welcome back!

Mark W. said...

ditto! Glad to see you back in form. Grab those stones and aim toward the target (kind of like in darts, right?)

My older sister and her (former) husband had a screenprinting business together, and I got to hear plenty about how tight it can get running a good small business. Sometimes they scraped by, living out of the cash drawer, and other times were more secure...but it's quite an adventure I'll bet.

James said...

Very well written, Makes you feel really good to know that others feel the way you feel. You are the man, keep it up. Love to read your posts.