Friday, April 27, 2007

The Friday Wrap-Up...

Great reading going on in the blogworld this week. There are several that caught my attention, but there were a couple that really deserve your's. Here it is, the week that was, in no particular order...

Jeff's blog gets a new face-lift...and a good one at that...and he asks us a point blank question, "What do you want from Jesus?"

Mark give us a great post on 'fear' and an even better follow-up on 'no fear'. Great job Mark.

Jason looks at the 'why?' generation.

I wrap up my series on David with 'The Butler' ..... and 'The Beast Within'. Also, check out this prayer that was prayed in the Kansas Senate.

Pretty neat little firestorm over at ML concerning the name or naming of the Rough and Ready Festival. Should be interesting to follow.

Have a great week...keep writing...

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