Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Get Off The Pew"...

It seems as though for years I've literally been screaming the fact that if the church in the 21st Century really, really wants to impact their communities for the Kingdom of God, changes MUST be made! I have never ONCE suggested in altering the Gospel Message of Christ. The Bible, in it's entirety is, and always will be the inerrant, infallible Word of God. However, the WAY we do things, and literally the things we do, must be revamped...mindsets must be changed in order to reach our society for Christ.

Yesterday, at the Southern Baptist Convention that is taking place in San Antonio, Texas, Robb Zinn, senior pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland, California absolutely lays this exact mindset down in immaculate fashion as he delivers the convention message at the convention. You can read the highlights of his message HERE. Don't miss this one!
Let me also honestly say, I really don't care if you disagree with me or not. The bottom line here, is what are YOU...and what is your CHURCH doing to change your community...your neighborhood...your family, for Christ? Don't be stuck in the 40's and 50's attempting to 'do church'.


K.T. is Mommatude said...


Robert Fellows, Jr. said...

This is a very powerful and much needed message! Thanks for sharing it.