Organic Church Quotes #4...
"Unfortunately, in most churches in the Western world the presence of the pastor is more noticeable than the presence of Jesus. Actually, it is the pastor's absence that is more noticeable. This phenomenon is so common that on any Sunday when the pastor is expected to be away, the attendance drops. People say they missed him when he returns. I fear that we feel the absence of the pastor more than the absence of the Spirit of Jesus. Perhaps it is time we tell Jesus that we miss Him at church too."
Maybe Jesus isn't there and is not missed by many because unlike many pastors, He refuses to be kept in a box.
Good reminds me of a favorite literary passage. I blogged it and linked you...go check it out!
wait til the pastor gets on the bad side of some folks, and they stage one of those (in)famous "called" business meetings to have a "no confidence" vote... no lack of a turnout for one of those. in fact, if you've ever wondered who comprises the missing 50% difference between the number on the church roll and the number that actually show up each sunday, have a "called" business meeting to air a grievance against a staff member... you'll get to meet most of them. later on, you can tell Jesus you missed him at the business meeting too.
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