Tuesday, January 30, 2007


It's all about a stone...

One of the greatest misconceptions in American enterprise is that "If you own your own company or business, you must be wealthy." Granted, for some, that may be true...but by and large this is a huge misnomer. Sounds good in theory...looks good on paper...but not in reality. If the truth be told, entrepreneurs who own their own businesses have struggles, daily, of epic proportions, that are rarely seen.

I know. I am one. And I am not alone.

And it's not so much about the financial aspect of the business...it's everything that comprises the total package. There are so many days that Murphy's Law is in full control. I've come to the conclusion that when you least expect it, something...usually the weirdest things...will go wrong. Small or large, problems...challenges exist...standing proud...taunting... They're just there...it's going to happen!

Just as it is in business, so it is in our everyday lives. As each day dawns anew, the problems lurk in the shadows...waiting...watching...gloating... Ever been to the point where problems seem too overwhelming? As though each step you take in any given direction guides you through a labyrinth where Pandora's Box is your great reward and it's already open and waiting on you as you cross the finish line?

Been there...am there...stay there...

And after a while, the load gets heavy...and heavier...and heavier. Almost unbearable. It seems as though the farther I sink, the larger the problems appear. But each time, I'm reminded of a young boy, who was faced with a monumental situation. His reaction altered a nation and opened the eyes of a king. That's the kind of approach I'm looking for. The young boy threw caution to the wind, and with reckless abandon ran to stand face to face with the biggest obstacle he could ever imagine. But along the way, he made a brief stop...a decision that would bewilder the strongest critic...a stop by a creek bed to pick up five simple stones. Stones that had been placed there at the dawn of creation for that specific place in time...waiting...

Were the stones magical, no. Was the number five a lucky number, for some maybe, but not for him. It was the purpose behind the stones that made the difference. A purpose, an attitude that I seek to garnish. An attitude that when applied, conquers the largest problems man will ever know.

"Father, I seek to stand in Your strength...in Your vision. And when I often stop to gather stones, help me focus on The Rock...amen."

So tomorrow morning, I'll set the alarm clock a little earlier...drink an extra pot of coffee...time to make my way back toward the creek bed...

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Sickly Friday Wrap-Up...

Friday has arrived much more quickly than I would have expected it to. I'm sure there are plenty of great posts from this past week, however, due to the wonderful flu, I haven't had that much of an opportunity to spend as much time reading as I normally do. A thousand apologies... Next Friday, my plans are to include both weeks worth of posts in the wrap-up. In the mean-time, these are a few places that I frequent on a regular basis. I'm sure you will enjoy them as much as I do. Here are a few of my blog buddies, in no particular order...

Have an incredible week...see you next Friday...

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Friday Wrap-Up On Saturday...

As you can tell, I'm running behind, sorry I didn't get this posted until Saturday! What a wild and wacky week. From the weather to the blog posts, such strange events. Hope you have a great weekend...here it is, the week that was, in no particular order...

Brandy lost her mind.

Jeff started something when he was using four-letter words.

Then Dean used the "D" word. Hands down, blog of the week...(look for a continuation this coming week)

And not to be left out, T.J. used the "F" word.

But really the craziest things started popping up on MonticelloLive. It's very evident that our new mayor-elect has no clue what Robert's Rules Of Order are. Don't believe me, just listen to the podcast of the City Council meeting...but be ready for approximately the first 20 minutes of this wonderful meeting to be pure chaos...unbelievable! Then, our new mayor-elect wants to abolish the Parks & Recreation Commission (Hmmmmm....seems like he doesn't like where baseball is played! Thanks Steve Hartness for a job well done!) And then asks for his ability to approve up to $20,000 in city expenditures without engaging in a competitive bidding process to be approved by the Council. The previous limit was $10,000. Did you get that? Freedom to spend, now, up to $20,000 in city expenditures WITHOUT getting ANY competitive bidding! The council also approved that initiative, by a vote of 6-1, with Tim Chase voting against. I'll be curious, and I know you will also, to see exactly WHO gets those contracts...hummmmm. (Do I smell a "good 'ol boy" system?) Thanks Tim...

That's it...see ya next Friday...

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Friday Wrap-Up...

Today brings a welcomed relief as the weekend approaches as we seek to get back in routine after the holidays. It's obvious many of us are glad to be back in that routine. Several good posts are out there, but these are the ones that caught my attention. Here it is, the week that was, in no particular order...

Dean has stepped in something toxic.

There's some pretty interesting stuff coming from the CDC over at MonticelloLive.

Brandy has found the diet of year. Guaranteed to work! Go Brandy!

Mark asks us to consider 'the face of the other'. Great post Mark!

I hate professional photographers! Their ability to actually create an image on paper that most of us only can dream about is unreal! And Carolyn is at the top of my hate list. Take this pic for example...outstanding job! No questions asked...pic of the week. :)

Angela has new diggs ..... be sure to take your shoes off when you visit. And don't miss her discussion over 'hot or cold'.

I took us out to the deep dark woods.

Blog of the week would have to be Jeff's golden experience at Chicken Express! A must read!

Alright, that's it for this week...see ya next Friday!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Call Of The Wild...

The call of the wild, is a haunting sound...

Growing up as a little boy, my Dad was only home on the weekends. He was Sales Manager for an aluminum company that required extensive travel throughout the week. Because of that, I never really learned the 'art' of hunting. Most young boys were always in the woods with their fathers at such an early age, that it seemed as though for them, hunting grew from a sport to a way of life.

I never did grasp the concept of killing animals for sport. I do realize that need sometimes does exist, and many enjoy the sport...but for me, the challenge was the ability to take a small lead object...calculate the wind...the distance...the circumstances...and maneuver it to a specific location that was pre-determined prior to squeezing the trigger. While other boys were aiming at rabbits, squirrels, deer and the like, I was shooting soda caps at 50 yards.

Throughout each year, as the father/son combinations made their migratory jaunt into the vastness of the deep dark woods, I was always left behind...searching...longing...listening...

As each hunting season neared, there was always an excitement in the air...an excitement that was almost undescribable...an excitement that could only be understood by those who have or would accompany them in the journey. The lessons that had been learned from previous outings were about to be put to the test once again. And each time, this calling would force them to venture to, many times, places unknown, with the only means of survival being the skills that had been learned from others...those that had gone into the wilderness, before. And just like always, each journey would require a new set of skills...skills that had yet to be learned...skills needed for survival...skills that would forevermore be forged in the forefront of the mind.

The call of the wild, is a haunting sound...

The call of God, strongly mirrors the call of the wild. Many see and feel the excitment...only few understand. Our skills are learned by the hours we spend in preparation for the 'hunt'. We read...we study...we listen...gathering as much knowledge and wisdom as possible so that when we hear that haunting sound, we grab our gear and mount up. We prepare throughout the years for the opportunity to put our 'learned' skills to the test...the test in the 'deep dark woods'. And like the seasoned hunter, we continually acquire new skills...skills needed for survival...skills that would forevermore be forged in the forefront of our mind.

The seasons are changing...my gear is packed...my weapon is sharp.

The call of the wild, is a...Shhhhhhh...I think I hear something...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Year End Wrap-Up...

In August of last year, I entered into a new world...a world of the unknown...the world of blogging. Sometimes mysterious, sometimes hilarious, sometimes controversial, yet always exciting. Being the 'aggressive reader' and the 'writer-want-to-be' that I am, I was aways intrigued by the concept of blogging, yet would always find some excuse not to enter this 'new world'. It was by the constant 'encouragement' (borderline nagging) from many friends, that I've entered into this never-ending, always challenging blog world. A decision I'm very glad I made.

Blogs are as different as each one's personality. And I find it increasingly amazing that we can most-times always be our true selves in this land of blog.

There are several each day that I would consider a 'daily click'. And my day just doesn't seem complete if I haven't taken the time to read my blog list. I'm sure most of you feel the same way.

I've taken the past week to look through the archives of my 'daily clicks' to find the posts that really, really stood out, or spoke to me. It's those posts that poked or prodded me in new and unique ways. Some posts were educational for me. Some were gut wrenching. But each made a lasting impression on me, and it's that impression that I want to share with you.

As I've already said, I read many each day...but these...well, just read for yourself.

Here is it, the year that was (or at least since August), in no particular order...

Dean's opening post when he first began his road trip was one of those hidden nuggets. But it was his post on 'Warrenism' that still has comments coming in. And I must say, Dean's bloghead is just killer.

Angela's story of a makeover with her daughter Val was too cute. However, her video tribute to the late Steve Irwin gets her video of the year. By the way, Angela just posted one that's sure to make the weekly wrap-up.

Kevin's toothache is a distinct keeper.

DavicusPrime's inward scope on depravity cuts to the bone.

Mark consistently brings everything he's cooked up to the table. There were so many of his posts that I truly enjoyed, but there were a couple that rose above the others. One of his latest entries in December was a true look into the horrors of high school (and the pics, oh my!). His post on the problems of a private prayer language in October was great. But it was in August, when Mark posted a small entry on racism that truly spoke volumes to me. Mark consistently quenches my thirst for reading. It's always a pleasure!

Melissa's crooked post in October was priceless, not to mention that pic!

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. The blog over at journeyguy's is without a doubt the busiest. Sometimes 3 or more posts per day. But in the midst of all that blog fodder, Jeff always serves up a dandy. Instead of giving you one or two certain posts, I would like to encourage you to check out his entire blog. You'll be glad you did.

I wait with anticipation each time I click on Brandy's blog. I never know what to expect. But one thing I do know when I go there, her posts are bathed in honesty, innocence and reality. Two of her posts I still think of often. It was the one on worship from September 4th and her post on money & offerings from October 29th. Make sure you read them both.

T.J.'s blog probably has the widest range of topics. Expect anything over there. But it was his personal explanation on Holy Spirit Baptism, Tongues, and Etc. that cleared up several mysteries to me. Get inside T.J.'s head. By the way, his take on 'Walk on the Water' wasn't half bad either.

I really chose to 'espresso myself' back in October when I gave you a three part entry on the beginnings of Dad's Place. Part 3 is still one of the most 'commented on' posts that I've seen. Here it is, in it's entirety, "Looking At The Future Through My Rear View Mirror" Part #1 ..... Part #2 ..... Part #3.

The birth of MonticelloLive was one of the most exciting events of the year for our community. And it still is providing a breeding ground for conversation and controversy concerning topics that effect us each and every day. Two of the stories on ML stirred up this town like I've never seen it before. The post on the proposed $6m Community Center and the proposed tax increase for the hospital expansion, was incredible. Great Job ML. But it was a simple story about a simple man that I must say is my blog of the year. Once you read it, I know you'll agree with me. Here it is ..... One Monticello Life: Mr. Carpenter.

2007 is now here. What does that mean for me...what does that mean for you? I guess we'll just have to wait...and read.