Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Call Of The Wild...

The call of the wild, is a haunting sound...

Growing up as a little boy, my Dad was only home on the weekends. He was Sales Manager for an aluminum company that required extensive travel throughout the week. Because of that, I never really learned the 'art' of hunting. Most young boys were always in the woods with their fathers at such an early age, that it seemed as though for them, hunting grew from a sport to a way of life.

I never did grasp the concept of killing animals for sport. I do realize that need sometimes does exist, and many enjoy the sport...but for me, the challenge was the ability to take a small lead object...calculate the wind...the distance...the circumstances...and maneuver it to a specific location that was pre-determined prior to squeezing the trigger. While other boys were aiming at rabbits, squirrels, deer and the like, I was shooting soda caps at 50 yards.

Throughout each year, as the father/son combinations made their migratory jaunt into the vastness of the deep dark woods, I was always left behind...searching...longing...listening...

As each hunting season neared, there was always an excitement in the excitement that was almost excitement that could only be understood by those who have or would accompany them in the journey. The lessons that had been learned from previous outings were about to be put to the test once again. And each time, this calling would force them to venture to, many times, places unknown, with the only means of survival being the skills that had been learned from others...those that had gone into the wilderness, before. And just like always, each journey would require a new set of skills...skills that had yet to be learned...skills needed for survival...skills that would forevermore be forged in the forefront of the mind.

The call of the wild, is a haunting sound...

The call of God, strongly mirrors the call of the wild. Many see and feel the excitment...only few understand. Our skills are learned by the hours we spend in preparation for the 'hunt'. We read...we study...we listen...gathering as much knowledge and wisdom as possible so that when we hear that haunting sound, we grab our gear and mount up. We prepare throughout the years for the opportunity to put our 'learned' skills to the test...the test in the 'deep dark woods'. And like the seasoned hunter, we continually acquire new skills...skills needed for survival...skills that would forevermore be forged in the forefront of our mind.

The seasons are gear is weapon is sharp.

The call of the wild, is a...Shhhhhhh...I think I hear something...


James said...

that was a very good post, man you know how to tell a story....

Robert Fellows, Jr. said...

I enjoyed that.

TJ said...

Awesome! The Caffeinated blogger is back!