Friday, April 06, 2007

The Friday Wrap-Up...

Easter week has always brought about lots of activities. This is a huge opportunity for each of us to spend some extra quality time with our families. There were some really good reads in the blogs this week, I hope you enjoy each of these!

Pointless Debates are going on over at Dean's.

Head Scratching in the Lion's Den.


The Mayor gets a report card. An incredible article...a definite must read.

Carolyn voted for Sanjaya.

And I've started a new series here at DP. You can read Part 1 and Part 2.

Check out Dinner & A Movie. An incredible way for a family outing to celebrate Easter.

Have an incredible week and remember, He IS Risen!


Angelina said...

Starting to wonder why I'm left out week after week!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to drop in and say hey!
i'll try and come by dad's and visit sometime before the semester is over ^_^
take care and God bless!

<3 L