Sunday, August 05, 2007


CrossWalk Collegiate Ministries of Tiffin
Jim & Denise Whaley ~ Missionaries
Tiffin, Ohio

We pray that God will lead people to come alongside this ministry and embrace the title of "armor bearers" both financially and prayerfully. It is has been the template of God set forth in Scripture for God and His people to partner together for kingdom ministry. Therefore, we are asking God's people to prayerfully consider joining us in the ministry of reaching the universities in Tiffin, Ohio with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

All financial investments to the Collegiate Ministry of Jim Whaley are tax deductible and all contributions will receive an end of the year giving statement for your personal records.

Thank you so much for being a vital part of this exciting ministry. We are humbled by your willingness to partner with us. Feel free to contact us at any time for additional information concerning this ministry.

All ministry contributions can be made out to: Northcoast Baptist Association.

Please mark your checks for: Jim Whaley Ministry in the ‘Memo’ section.

Please mail to:

Northcoast Baptist Association
980 Abbe Road
Elyria, Ohio 44035

Thank you for your Partnership! We look forward to sharing great and exciting news of God's Work with you. A new collegiate blog is in the works...stay tuned!

Jim & Denise Whaley

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